Saturday, November 5, 2011

Am I wrong for snapping at my boyfriend like this?

the whole day I had a bad day my boyfriend kept waking me up cause he wanted to have intimacy woke me up at 4 am at 6 am and at 8 am until I got angry and just woke up barely got ANY shut eye at all then im late to work because of him because he kept nagging me that I dont like him that I dont pay attention to him blah blah I finally did sleep with him just so he would just shut up Im late for that and missed breakfast for that as well it was very busy at work my stomach burned and I felt like throwing up from not eating didnt get to eat till around 3pm my boss arrives soon afterwards my cash register is missing money I stay another whole hour sigh...I get out of work and instead of a consolation my boyfriend keeps pestering me saying stupid comments that he knows are not funny I tell him to stop to leave me alone he can see im angry and it makes him laugh the whole way down the road I try to hold in my anger I almost made it home but he never did stop bugging me the whole way no matter what I said...until I snap and hit him with my magazine on the head and he gets quiet and angry at me so am I wrong for getting angry at him I feel like its not...

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