Saturday, November 5, 2011

College advice/help!!?

As nearly as I can speculate or guess at, the worst case scenario for a GPA with three Cs is about 3.0, but there are two years to build that into a GPA of 3.5 before graduation from high school. That is an acceptable GPA for admission to Virginia Tech. The other areas of an admissions process that not recognized by students, but of equal or greater importance to being admitted are: letters of reference from alumni of VPI if possible, a good essay that emphasizes why VPI is important to the student, an excellent record of volunteering in your community, an excellent record of service to the community, an excellent recommendation from an employer for whom you worked, and a good character and personality that will shine when you are interviewed which shows you dress well, speak well, are courteous, and knowledgeable. Good luck.

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