Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Help what to do tonight?

You cannot drive that tank in Minnasota...don't think so . 4 wheel drive is better... better windows and air.

What is a good website for free cello sheet music?

I am looking for a website that has FREE CELLO sheet music. Any will do, but I am looking more for songs such as: Secrets, Animal, modern songs kind of. Thank you :)

Should Obama raise taxes for everyone?

The fact is that the budget deficit is ballooning; something has to be done soon. The spending cuts have to start; this is something everyone can agree upon. But what about raising taxes? I know in America there's a knee-jerk reaction every time someone mentions the dreaded phrase, but raising taxes for everyone, not just amongst the rich, would significantly help with reducing the deficit. It would be painful in the short term, of course it would, but later when the economy stabilises, they could again be cut. Should Obama do it? What do you think?

Why is Cam Newton even playing today?

The NCAA, SEC and BCS, are showing their stripes. If it it was ANYONE but Cam they would be suspended. The BCS is so scared of TCU and Boise State right now they would let Cam get away with murder to keep Auburn on top.

Math help i hate math, please help?

if you dont like to use math in your daily life .all you got to learn is one phrase " may i take your order" ha

Have you ever seen a ghost? Or an angel?

I have heard sounds that I cannot apply any logical explanation to,I have done many Ouija boards which again I cannot explain,all very odd seeing as I am a 100% atheist

Kind-of upset.....would like opinions...short.?

you aren't dumb... you are still in college for it right?... which means you have every right to screw up a few times and be stupid... embrace it

Jean Claude Van Damme or Randy Couture?

Remember that Van Damme beat Bolo to win the championships in underground fighting. He was undefeated.

Which office handles elections nationwide?

Or is the State Dept. of each state responsible of their respective election count? If we were to create public policy, which federal legislative body needs to be reformed?

How do compact discs work?

So how does a CD hold music and how does a CD player read the music encoded on a CD? Also, let's say that there's a song on a CD that has a a basic drum beat in the background, it starts off quiet and then gets louder, how does the CD tell the CD player to make the sound louder if it is the exact same drum beat, meaning that the bits needed to represent the drum beat don't change? What accounts for the louder sound?

Can I add another connection to my chimney?

A lot of the new hot water tanks can just be vented with a pipe(plastic) to the outside of the house. Check and see........also Yes, you can put a "Y" in the line and vent into an existing thimble if needed. Grab some directions before buying and you may fine one that is easier than you think. Good luck........hope this helps and have a merry xmas. By the way, does the chimney have a flue liner in it?? That is always my concern? It would be a lot safer if it does.

7th graders style issues plz help?

Try not to think about "your style", try just being who you want to be. If you go to raves, there's nothing wrong with that (as long as your not doing drugs and bad stuff like that). Don't feel pressured into being the "cheerleader type". Because the best thing about this world is its diversity. Learn to accept that even though you're a cheerleader, you ARE one because of your talents, not because of how you dress. wearing tutus is great if that's what you enjoy. Don't think too much into it. Just be happy with who you are and what you like to wear. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't matured much.

Where can i get the best pulley for my 09 scion tc?

wats goin on guys... i have an automatic(whack) 09 tc, and am trying buy a lightweight pulley for it. I am lookin at an NST pulley and a Agency power pulley. Which one should i go with or what other one should i look at? they do make a difference by being lighter right? (fastscions.com) thnx

How to tell my brother we don't have the same mother?

Yeah, this should have already been taken care of. This boy should have been told this much earlier even than this, so it does need to be done.

At a dinner party each man shook hands with everyone except his spouse but no woman initiated a handshake?

At a dinner party each man shook hands with everyone except his spouse but no woman initiated a handshake If 13 married couples attended how many handshakes occurednamong 26 people?

Hotter WWE Girl, Torrie Wilson, Trish Stratus, or Stacey Kiebler?

That's a tough question, but if I had to pick one I would go with Stacy Keibler. While the other two girls are y Stacy is super model y, hell she was listed as one of People Magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People last year and she will probably be the last WWE Diva to ever do that. The best thing about Stacy Keibler is definitely those drop dead y legs of hers as well as her "Girl Next Door" beautiful face she has. Stacy Keibler is living proof that you don't need big to be y, just great legs and a fine :). I hope that answers your question.

What rims go with my 2000 eclipse gt?

I have a burgundy eclipse gt year 2000.the car is all stock, I want to buy it some wheels. I have 3 ideas, should I buy all white rims, or chrome rims, or black rims with chrome lip. Should I get 17 inches? How much is the price ranging from? Where can I buy them online for a fair price thanks. The windows are kind off tinted with tan interior, everything is stock except the sound system.

How long is it taking for the Alabama Income tax refunds to be direct deposited this year 2008?

I e-file my taxes on Feb. 12 and still haven't received my state tax refund. My son did his about the same time and he received his last week. Of course his check was smaller than our refund will be. Can anyone help? When you call the state refund hotline of course it gives you 6-12 weeks process time. Last year we received it in 2 weeks.

What is the name of the Dixie Chicks song that says?

she promised him forever..................she whispers in his ear and tells him that she knows, she throws the car in gear it blossoms like a firey rose

Operatic Dramatic Tenor Giuseppe Giacomini?

He's like 68 yrs old now. Probably retired. I've never heard him live... If you go to a href="http://listserv.bccls.org/cgi-bin/wa?S2=OPERA-L&q=Giuseppe+Giacomini&s=&f=&a=&b=" rel="nofollow"http://listserv.bccls.org/cgi-bin/wa?S2=…/a , though, you can read what some folks who have think of him. I should warn that Opera-Listers are very opinionated and a few of them would find fault even in Mother Teresa. So, take the opinions with a grain of salt (it helps if you read from many different posters to get the idea of what they do agree on).

Don't you hate it when after ignoring several calls because you don't recognize the caller id....?

you finally answer it (it might be an emergency or something) to find out it's the wrong number, and then they just rudely hang up on you without a word??? i hate rude people like that...

Does any one know the relation of the word ''earnest'' with agricultural revolution?

A friend has asked me to ask this question on Yahoo! answers, it's to do with the play ''The Importance of Being Earnest'' by Oscar Wild.

Too hot for veggie pizza....help?

What about a veggie platter, add some fruit and you have a great combination to the wonderful menu. You could also serve chips/salsa and/or hummus and pita. You can keep those items cold by placing the salsa or hummus in an ice bath, super easy.

Sort of 2 questions in one, sorry. my friends super worried cause her hormone levels but cant be tested yet?

I'm sorry but I gave up on reading all that. If she wants to put her mind at ease they can do a l ultrasound to check for a heartbeat. Its the same machine and everything but instead of the rectangle thing they use like a long skinny thing to stick in and check the baby and other stuff. It doesn't hurt or anything.

Book Suggestions Please?

Blades and Dangerous Days, both by J. William Turner. Very realistic fiction about Australian teens in several tense, dramatic, life and death situations set in many parts of Australia, plus California and England, and dealing with teenage, adult and social themes. Each novel is written as a series of four-books-in-one. More info in Yahoo web search

How to change these recipe measurements ?

It looks like you should triple the recipe, or quadruple the recipe. actually from the way it looks you just need to increase the amount of eggs to 3-5, depending on how full you want the pie shell. Also you don't have any milk or cream in the recipe listed. You do need to add 12 oz of milk or cream, or 1 1/2 cups. Delete the er. Good luck♥

Have you heard who voted for the Immigration reform bill (On the Cloture)?

a href="http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=110&session=1&vote=00204" rel="nofollow"http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/ro…/a

The government of a country must make a decision between increasing military spending and subsidizing wheat?

2. guns and er. As you probably remember in your econ cl your professor was talking about PPF(production possibilities frontier), an economy can be on any part of that curve but not above it. And y-axis is labeled military spending and the other wheat production.

How 'Bout Them Bengals?

Did anyone see the Bengals prove there name today? The Cardiac Cats!!! They'll keep you at the edge of you seat till the last mmm...30 seconds!!! Did anyone see 85 take all those hits? Best game of the week, just above OSU and Wisconsin.

Followers of Atheismo, how do you explain the supernatural events that can't be explained?

There is proof of ghosts, and demons, and other supernatural events. Science can't explain everything. And please no condescending answers, I want real answers not insults.

Has anyone heard the rumor about OCHO CINCO wanting to team up with T.O in Dallas?

OHHHH shiiiiiiiit......i hope he comes down here to TEXAS Thanks for the news....imagine Chad/Owens/Witten/Glenn or Crayton running routes then Marion tha Barbarion Running it up the gut while BIG 70 blocksss...MHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

A musical battle to the death...?

This is it, the moment you've been waiting for. You have finally come face to face with combat master David Bowie. David Bowie had tried to kill you, but instead killed your twin brother, a famous concert pianist. Now you seek revenge. Bowie is armed with a song, and you know it's a good one. After all, he is frickin' David Bowie. You must vanquish him with a song of your own. Which do you choose to defeat the Thin White Duke?

How do you make Liquid cheese for nachos?

usually when i make nachos i use american cheese and then put it on some plain chips and microwave it. It isn't liquidy at all it's just like it was but melted, completely dry. I ask this because my family adores eating nachos and we usually go to Taco Bell for it because of how good the liquidy cheese are. So what's the best way to make liquidy cheese?

Total station error message?

I was using a total station the other day and it showed an error message on the handheld reciever error 1905 unable to detect selected sensor any ideas on how to fix this...

Why is the anti-war left silent as Obama launches wars of aggression in Pakistan, Libya and Yemen?

We haven't been silent here in LA County or in much of SoCal. There have been multiple demonstrations/protests. There's a real problem with communication in the US. No one knows what anyone else is doing anymore. It's a shame that only murderers, Lindsey Lohan and Lady Gaga get any news time.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Who do I start?!?!?!!?!?!?

I would start Trent Edwards. He was out the week before his bye. And now he's just come off his bye week, which not only helped him rest, but it also gave Lee evans, the most underrated WR in the league, time to rest as well. The will both have big weeks. Frerotte is getting banged up, and while the bears secondary is kinda iffy, the bears p rush is still scary. As an avid Bills hater, I cannot believe i would ever encourage this, but Trent is your man.

Ovulation, Implantation or something else?

This happened to me last month,but closer to my period. So, I read about it,it could be implantation bleeding, which happens around 10 days after ovulation if you concieve. However, it wasnt the case for me, it was just spotting before my period.... Good luck!!!

Can i put a bearded dragon and a iguana together?

i was thinking to get a bearded dragon and my freind a iguana, and put them in the same cage. would they fight???

English help needed...?

As your tutor writes to you and calls you KT, it would be ok to write to him informally - Hi John. You can use regards if you want, or just put KT at the bottom. It's only when you write a formal letter that you would use Dear Mr Smith. You would write Mr J. Smith then his address underneath, then put the date and ref if you have one, then Dear Mr Smith. You would then finish the letter Yours sincerely. xx

I have med. hair and i dont no what to do with it is strat with a little wave do you have any ways i can do it?

My hair is similar! mostly straight though! But I using finger comb in gel after a shower and then add mousse, do little messy buns all around my head. go to sleep. wake up. take them out. Shake my head and boom my hair is curly/diffused looking! It takes a bit of work on the mousse, gel, hairspray end, but it stays in pretty well and looks cute! Another thing to do is before you go to bed, with damp hair, braid your hair all over and in the morning, spritz with hairspray, take out, and you have a wavy hair do! Good luck!

How to hang posters accurately on a wall?

Use poster putty or painters tape to install them. To make them look level, set one top corner, measure how far down it is from the ceiling, and set the opposite corner down the same distance. Hope this helps.

Why do seagulls come inland?

I live in Stoke on Trent in the UK and often in the fields opposite me I see seagulls. They've obviously come from the coast somewhere, so why do they do it?

A simple puzzle for brain teaser addicts!?

If you substitute the letters of the words bat, cat, eat, fat, hat, and mat with numerical values they equal 58, 57, 55, 54, 52, 47 respectively. What is the sum of 'sat'?

What do i do?

ok i had someone who i thought was like a homie right livin wit me. turned out tho he was a convicted offender and never told me. my landlord told me 2 have him move immediately. but he has his address the same as mine and ive told him several times to get it changed. what should i do?

What exactly is the logic in not allowing illegal immigrants to PURCHASE public health care?

I could understand if it was taxpayer-subsidized, but since Obama's public option is going to require payment of premiums, what is the sense in not allowing illegal immigrants to get it? If they get sick without health insurance, taxpayers are going to have to pick up the tab anyway.

Can someone read this paragraph and tell me what you think?

Going to the Courthouse was an eye opening experience for me. I learned a great deal about the judicial system. Specifically, how cases are presented to the judge and what kind of evidence the judge takes into consideration when making his ruling. It was a truly amazing experience to witness it first hand. Before my visit, I always used to think of the Courthouse as an intimidating building and no place for someone like me, but after visiting the place, I realized there was nothing intimidating about it at all. I gained a lot of knowledge about the judicial system, but I know that what I experienced during my first visit was only a portion of what really comprises the judicial system and I hope to visit more often to learn as much as I possibly can.

What can cause severe upper and mid right quadrant pain?

I have been experiencing severe abdominal pain for the last 3 days to the point of being intolerable at times. It is in the mid and upper right quadrant. I do not have nausea, vomiting, constipation or urinary symptoms. I have had a laproscopic gallbladder removal, total hysterectomy and appendectomy. After my gallbladder was removed, I had to have an ERCP because a gallstone lodged in my common bile duct (1989). I have an appointment with a gastroenterologist next Wednesday, but I am not sure I can tolerate this pain that long. I am on Ultram 100mg every 6 hours, which does not resolve my pain.

Baby name help for a girl!?

Okay so my fiance and I just found out we are expecting! We pretty much had this name picked out for the past two years already--but we just want to hear some different options. If it's a boy, it's definitely going to be John Michael--after him. Even though I love the name Shawn--oh well. :) If it's a girl--we had pretty much decided on Jaelyn Donna. Can anyone think of any other unique, or older "J" names? I'm into unique and older names that are not used as much anymore. Thanks everyone!

What to do or give my atiel for warmth?

i just got a new atiel im afriad he is going to get sick because his feet are always cold and its cold in my house, should i make him a nest or something at night or buy him something so he can cuddle with? im not sure, i mean its not freezing but i feel like hes chilly any suggestions?

Why is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Libya?

Shouldn't that be the UN or even the European Union? Last I looked, Libya wasn't on the North Atlantic or part of the treaty.

Why does Obama tout "pay as you go" when debt ceiling was raised by $2 TRILL?

The government has to pay for existing programs. It has raised the debt ceiling to do this. Pay as you go means that any new programs they implement must be funded. It is a wise system that never should have been abandon in the first place.

Am I the only person in the UK that does not give a damn about....?

the 'celebrations' for Dianas' demise 10 years ago. In my humble opinion, she was not the great person that the media portrays of her.... she knew whar she was doing and had a lengthy string of affairs....at least Charlie kept his horse on the rein. She is dead, leave it at that and get on with your own lives you saddos!!!

Rosin for a CodaBow Diamond SX?

I need to buy rosin for my new CodaBow Diamond SX. I want the best because i have a $1700 cello(it ain't that much compared to others but it's a lot to me...trust me) i want the best possible sound from me and my cello. does anybody have any suggestions on what kind of rosin i should get? or how much money needs to be spent?

Help me! What film is this?

That kind of sounds like Splash starring Tom Hanks. I know that Disney came out with a mermaid movie called The Thirteenth Year that was about a boy who finds out he's a merman.

Does anybody else do this when they're thinking to themselves?

I don't do that, but when I think about what the date is, or when I think about future plans, I always imagine a stream of calendar pages flying by, and they're always red. They scroll the same way as the cover flow on an ipod, and they stop on the month I'm thinking about. And then it zooms in to the date I was thinking of.

Help with a Pea Gravel Patio?

I am installing Pea Gravel (3/4 inch) in front of the house. It will not be used as a sitting area, just for entry path. I love the look and we live on a hill and I am sick of water laying in that area, the concrete was poured wrong and there is not enough drainage. What are your suggestions for a base before placing gravel. I want to put down landscaping material, but what should the next layer be Sand?? Also how deep should the gravel be? I need suggestions.

I Love it!!! Don't you love it.......? (reposted)?

I love it when I get emails with that one lady on the laptop and it says something about a best answer. But I also love those moments you are talking about.

David blaine?

I do think it is fake because in one of his episodes where hes"levitating" people saw that he was just lifting up one foot so im pretty sure that theres a trick to it

May someone please give me some quotes and page number of quote by Abigail Williams in the Crucible?

I returned my book and I couldn't get it back now. Please can someone give me the quote and page number of the quote that Abigail says. I need quotes that are when she begins to lie and/or decieve. Please help.

Stress and my skin!!!?

i found out alot about why my skin is reacting the way it is today but im really confused as to what to do about it i always always breakout with really bad dry skin and small red itchy patches on my face and neck and w the school year ending and knowing im moving nxt year its 20x's worse and ive been in alot of trouble lately becuz i cant keep my emotions in controll because my entire world is falling apart so ive had iss and detention and im failing a cl although here in the past 2 weeks ive brought it up almost 15 points and it is almost a D!!! im only 4 points away and w finals and one ignment im making up i will p but it is eally stressful i almost got in a fight w a girl i hav 3 guys in my life right now and there is just so much drama and the skin thing doesnt help i need a daily regimen to help w skin and stress otherwise im going to end up going insane just tell me what you think i should do...

How can you tell if ur pregnant while on birth control.?

I had to take antibiotics 3 times a day for 10 days while on birth control, and just a few days earlier I had skipped 1 day completely. On the third week of birth control, 5 days after startin my amoxicillin I had with bc as the only source of protection. Abt a 5 days later I began to feel dizzy, and nausea. Then my appetite increased. Also my dizziness came so bad that I nearly ped out. About another week later my period is here but it isn't right. Its a light flow, bright red with no clots, but its muscousy and watery. With light cramping, and all my other symptoms the nausea, dizziness, and hunger are still present.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Are they legalizing marijuana in California?

so far i believe california and new york are the only two states that have it in legislative. hopefully though we wont have to wait for other states and obama will legalize it for the whole country

Plz helpppppp?

okk i wnt to gain weight by end of Dec.. i am 18 yrs old, 5'2 96 lbs now. i want to gain 15 lbs . i am going to buy ensure weight gain shake and drink it 3 times a day also on top of 3 meals and snacks a day.. would that work? it is very diff for me to gain weight...I want to gain fat weight but in the right places.. now muscle weight.

What could these symptoms be?

I am experiencing some little twinges and slight pains in my lower stomach also slight pains near each of my ovaries and also sore heads with dizziness at times, what could be the cause and should I contact my doctor?

When will my dad die?

You shouldn't wish for him to die, because if he actually does die really soon, you'll feel bad about it. Don't avoid him, try and spend as much time with him as you can. You might feel like you hate him, but deep inside you really don't. All you want is for him to change, and the only way for him to do that is if you tell him how you feel. Sorry you have to go through this.

C++ Issue with Switch Statements?

All the && should be || if you ever want the code to produce results. And, doesn't the code give you a line where the error occurs?

Why does my husband embarr me everytime we go out?

Punch his 1 tooth out. Then he can't give his "one tooth stare" or even talk for that matter.

C-section in 7 hours and a nervous wreck!!!?

c-sections suck. they are painful and it takes forever to heal. your stomach is never the same. you will always have a foupa. if you do a spinal block it is most likely you wont feel your legs for a while but dont worry that doesnt last long. if you have general anastiesia (go to sleep) your stomach will hurt as soon as you wake up. that is what wakes you up. the horrible pain. the next day you wont be able to stand up straight. you cant sleep cause u cant turn over. you cant cough cause it hurts really bad. i dont want to scare u but i had 4.

I have 2 xbox 360 and PSP questions. Please look below.Best answer to whoever convinces me.which to get.?

Personally, I would go with the 360. I think it will last a good 10-15 years, till we make it out dated. Its a good system to play with friends, and can be very intense. Plus with xbox live, there are a lot of more things you can do. The 360 is totally customizable to make it the must fun and greatest gaming experience you will ever have. Look at all the face plates, custom controllers, custom backgrounds, music that can be played during games. Pictures, movies, free demos! You can't beat that with the PSP plus, do you really want to change batteries a lot, and have it shut off on the last boss when you forgot to save? No! Every system is pointed to certain type of person in my opinion. Xbox is for the more gamers, with all the action games that can be super intense. Gamecube is meant for those that just like to sit back and chill with a bunch of friends. The games can be childish and easy, and yet they are very fun. The Playstation just kind of sits in the middle, it has kiddy games, and a lot of their games won't get too violent or intense.

About Processor Voltage?

Say I have CPU X and I put it in motherboard Y, in motherboard Y i change the voltage of the CPU X. My question is, will puting CPU X in another motherboard(we'll call it Z) receive the same voltage as in motherboard Y or does the voltage need to be set again in motherboard Z?

What is the problem with a crack in granite countertops?


Does the nearest beach to you have sand or shingle,(pebbles) ?

sand, but if you go over to the non-crowded beach over the rocks (where you can't swim cuz the water is full of rocks and it actually has zero people there, besides me and my cousins and one or two other folks that find shells and stuff) its made of pebbles. i personally enjoy the pebbles, but the sand is good too!

Ideas for a Gossip Girl Party?

hav the show playing in the background so its not the main thing happening and make everyone dress as there fav character

Dear buddhists!!!Buddhist are peaceful!!?

every lives of being buddhist are understanding at deep because the Buddha tought buddhist to accept the truth things no mess about, and we all know how to live peaceful of their lives by using the ideas of buddha, that tought every human lives are will be same birth grow, old, ill and death. that all liveing nature on earth have.if you don't believe this is true just let's think of yourself then you will relise of being truth accept what is going on on earth.

What does this quote from The Perks of Being A Wallflower mean ?

"And I thought that all those little kids are going to grow up someday. And all of those little kids are going to do the things that we do. And they will all kiss someone someday. But for now, sledding is enough. I think it would be great if sledding were always enough, but it isn't."

How many advanced subjecs related to Signal detection & estimation?

There's a book by Meyer, Mayer, and Stirling (I forget the title and don't have a copy with me) that deals with radar detection. It gets rather mathy about it, too, with fourier ysis, ambiguity diagrams, probability of detection, probability of false alarm and signal to noise ratio. Nicely intricate, if you like that sort of thing.

A six year old child that is scared going to his room just after, or shortly before sunset.?

Until 2 months ago, our son would brush his teeth, and go to bed without any problems. A mother of one his clmates ped at that time, and school had a conversation about death. For few days he would ask hundred questions about death related stuff. It was about then that he is scared even before sunset. We have told him that it is okay to be scared and that we were and are scared of some things, that we are healthy and strong..., but things are not getting better. He is a very smart and wonderful boy. He is loved, but not spoiled. Any ideas?

Can you earn a dental hygienist ociate degree online?

I live 3 hours from Minneapolis/St. Paul and want to know if its possible to earn an ociate degree online or if there is somewhere closer to get the cles necessary to become a dental hygienist.

Why are most chimneys left for sweeping til around Christmas time when Chimney Sweeps are busiest?

I have found only one website that gives a discount for sweep bookings during spring / summer months. http://www.clearedchimneys.co.uk

How to fix a crack in my jet ski hull?

Get some fibergl cloth and fibergl resin. Mix the resin and put a thin coat on the crack. Than you put the cloth over the crack like a band aid and put more resin on the cloth. The cloth will soak it up and will eventually harden depending on how much hardener you added to the fibergl resin. You can repeat this step and sand it down to look good. Wear a mask because sanding this will kill your lungs. If this doesn't make sense look it up online its very simple.

Do you think this guy was flirting?

Okay so we were making this guy teach me and my 2 friends to snowboard. the instant he came out of the car, haha i kicked snow at his snowboard. hes like ahh dont put snow on it, i just waxed it or something. (not in a mean way) so of course, i kicked more snow. then he grabs me and throws me in a snowbank and like i'm wearing a coat and normal jeans, thats it. so it was really cold. all was well, then we made two more guys come and they were like trying to sled down this like straight down hill. then i like walked down and the guy was like dragging me down. haha everyone of my friends were staring and it was hilarious. then we got in this like "fight" where I was trying to get him back for pushing me and he like was trying to pull me down and he like grabbed me and like was trying to push me down this scary hill. he like pushed me this one time and was laying on my and like threw snow in my face abnd omg it w sooo cold. haha then we decided to go to this other guys house and then nothing really exciting happened but like we had to walk like 3 miles to get there so cody kept on trying to push me in the snow where all the trees were and when he least expected it i totally pushed him. then he of course pushed me in more snow piles for revenge. then when we were at the guys house, he kept on trying to shoot me with this rubber band gun.(as a joke they took it out)it may seem like he hates me but he doesn't. do you think he was flirting and likes me? he did this not to my other friends.

Do libs know the guns used in vt were foriegn made?

And yet they were bought and paid for in the US....by a guy who'd been in a nut house. What's your point?

Is there any health benefit to me to completely cut out beef/red meat/pork/lamb from my diet?

If I just eat fish, fowl, fruit and vegetables, is that better for me than also occasionally having a steak or meat or prosciutto, etc.

How would you react to the following question?

Children's guardians can sue on their behalf. They wouldn't need to be cross examined in court, as the only issue at hand would be whether the Portuguese guy was making false statements.

Audition advice for Hello, Dolly?

I have an audition for Hello, Dolly in a few weeks and I REALLY want a good part. In the past few years, I have been involved in 7 shows, 6 of which have been chorus roles and I don't want that to happen a 7th time. Any advice?

Employee, Contractor, Gig? Legally, how can they work for me?

There's not a legal type relationship of 'gig'. But it sounds very possible that the representatives would be contractors rather than employees. If they are, yes you can pay them cash or check (make it check so you have proof of the payment). You'd haave them fill out W-9 forms, and you and they would sign whatever contract you agree to.

How could i help myself to get better?

I am going to my doctors on Tuesday for two reasons, One to have my pregnancy confirmed and Two to sort my life out, as I am an agoraphobic. I suffer severly with panic disorder and agoraphobia. I had a difficult childhood and always felt as if I did not belong. I feel safer at home alone in my flat. I am 21 years of age and six weeks pregnant. I am determined to sort my life out so that i can give my baby the best possible start in life, as any parent would. I am sick of feeling so down and depressed and relying on other people. I want to be normal and feel independant. I have been on antidepressents, had counselling etc for many years, as i have had this condition since i was 9 years old. I am wanting to get over it but I cannot help feeling terribly worried and nervous about my anxiety difficulties as it affects my walking and mobility but i am not using a wheelchair. I hate myself for being the way that I am. I dont know what to do anymore. i dont want to be put on antidepressents

Ok so i was smokin a blunt the other night after work and a cop come up and i ran away and he chased me and?

he was yelling stop stop and i kept running but then after a while i decided to stop because that is the right thing to do not because i was tired and the cop tackled me which is violation of my civil right and then arrested me but the thing is it wasnt weed really it was just parsley so i am going to sue him do you guys have any tips?

Best site for custom fantasy football league?

My 12 team fantasy football league has been using Yahoo for years, but we are now looking to use another website. We want a website that allows for full customization of scoring, %of teams to veto a trade, the ability to trade future draft picks, ect. This is not a dynasty league but we do have keepers and would like to implement new changes to our league that Yahoo simply can not meet. What other websites are out there?

Would my boyfriend like me more If my got bigger?

I'm planning on taking those enhancement pills in 3mos from now I should have *** like buffy the body. Do you think he would like me more or less.

Will I be okay? 10 POINTS!!!!!?

Today, I pigged out on nachos with my friend. Now, I still have an aftertaste, and a very irritating smell, that seems like I can only smell it, no-one else can. I feel a little queasy when the smell comes around or theres food near me, like nachos, pizza, burgers, stuff like that. I brushed my teeth, and it helped a little bit. Other than that I feel fine. I had a huge sleepover last night, and I'm tired. Could this contribute to the slight queasiness? Do you guys ever experience anything like this? Thanks sooo much.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Good RC drift car (electric)?

i can spend up to around 200 dollars tell me the model, give a link, and thanks. :) i'm looking for something that looks cool like a 350z or skyline but i dont care

What does a dream about throwing away a skull in the trash mean?

I had a disturbing dream that has left me very messed up and freaked out all day.I had a dream that I was cooking a chicken over the stove,and removing its bones and throwing them away to seperate them from the meat during cooking.When I was getting ready to throw out some chicken bones I looked down and they become human bones,then I looked over into the trash and saw a human skull sticking out in the garbage.It was a very small one the size of a child's skull.I had no idea how the chicken bones turned into a human bone.I looked carefully at it and picked it up out of the trash only to discover the skull was still attached to the neck and shoulder bones.I felt really sick to my stomach all day because of this dream it was almost as if I was a cannibal or something.I dont know when ill be able to eat again I feel sick to my stomach.Anyone know what this dream means?

What is the name of the movie with 3 girl cows who get lost?

I used to have a song on my ipod of i think 3 or 4 girls singing a song thats in the soundtrack of a movie where there are 3 or 4 ladie cows(its a cartoon) on a farm and one wheres a hat with a flower and they get lost or something? im pretty sure its a disney movie but if you could PLEASE give me the name of the movie OR the girls music group who sang the song...I NEED IT PLEASE AND THANKS

Can someone teach me the difference between giving someone fish and teaching them to fish?

I am my brother's keeper if I teach him to fish. I am not my brother's keeper in that I have to give what I don't really have for him. I should not need to provide for someone just so they can enjoy not having to do anything. A Pell grant is to give you an education so that you can get a better job and make more money and if you do that then you WILL pay that grant back. See that grant comes through tax money, and the more you make the more taxes they take. They WON'T recover money from food stamps though.

My laptop wont play!!!!!?

Hi , Every time I try to play downloaded video clips I get the message " windows does not recognised which programme encoded this " or something similar. I have the latest uopdated version of Media Player. Can anyone suggest a good free video programme or am I not clicking on something I should be ????

Can I put shingles on top of the old shingles without removing them?

Not if you want the shingles to do their job and keep your roof nice n' dry. If you don't pull up the old shingles (which I can only ume are deteriorating), the new ones can't make a proper seal to your roof, so rain water will seep under them frequently. I highly suggest you tear the old shingles out, or buy some buckets.

Which Evil Dead movie series with Bruce Campbell is it?

I can't remember but one of Bruce Campbell's Evil Dead movie series starts out with a woman at a zoo and gets bit by this diseased monkey. He ends later on having to babysit a diseased family. Can anyone help me figure it out?

What is your fave sand witch combo and food combo you made up?

i like jelly and cream cheese(a lot less gross then it sounds) and peanut er and N u t e l la. what is your own crazy sand witch combination?don`t be afraid to show the world! do you have other crazy combos? like nachos and pizza? guacamole and salad?mine is macaroni and cheese with tuna.it is so good! show e`m what ya eat!

I've never ed with a partner...Suggestions?

I am 25 years old and I have had plenty of ual partners. I have a good drive and am a pretty open person however I've never actually ed with a partner. I have d with a vibrator, however I've never gotten off with just my fingers. My boyfriend is an amazing lover, however as with every lover I've ever had I've never been able to fully *** around them. Whenever I am stimulated to the point where I may be able to , I pull back, almost as if it feel likes a funny bone or charley horse. I'm wondering if its because I'm embarred or I just don't feel comfortable showing someone that side of me. I'm not quite sure if this is common, or if any can relate, or you may have any suggestions. thank you

Shy when doing presentations in college???

practice in front of a mirror..i know it sounds stupid and you have probably been told this before..but i works.

1991 f150 lug pattern?

no the rims wont fit... they went from the standard 5 on 5 to some metric crap in 1997 i believe. if you modify the dash (cut the plastic out where the knobs go) then you can use a generic universal mount kit.

Question about birth control, pain and doubling up?

FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS!!! Now your hormones are going CRAZY! I woudl suggest stopping and waiting for your period because you can cause some harm! From now on follow the package directions or set an alarm to take it everyday. This makes your hormones go nuts which can make you extremly moody (sometimes even suicidal), it can make you feel like your pms'ing and a lot of other things and the more you play around with your hormones the worse they can get.

Isn't it a no brainer to vote for republicans this fall?

Think about--independents, republicans, and a fair number of democrats think the spending out of the current congress is completely out of control. If the republicans gain control of even one house of congress--the insane spending will cease. As a democrat any programs you don't like that a republican house, for example, offers will be vetoed by the president over the next two years. The only way any program can be enacted is if the republicans + a goodly number of democrats agree and override the veto. The one major thing that the republicans can bring to the table regardless of whether you like or dislike the 21 page docuement--is that without a democratic majority in the senate and house--SPENDING WILL BE BROUGHT UNDER CONTROL.

Drugs , deprestion, big women please answr!!!!!!!!!?

im a big women, not to big, just big , deprsed hate goin out on my own but i am starting to realise theirs a big world , etcetc, but to realise this ive been smokin weed, like 50's worth lasted 2 days, i think its gettin out of hand an i should be the one, workin hard to get myself better an out their, its just really hard, my best friend died as did my litlle sister, my dads an ***, my mum i looked after her an my sister, because my mother is mentally ill, with skitzaphrenia, theirs way to much gone in my life, an i thought weed was the answer, how can i make myself believe weed id not the answer, ive done it in the past, an now i feel its gettin outta controll, anyweed smokers think 50 pound of green is alot in 2 days??? an im a bigish girl aswell, which doesn't help confidence :/ i need an escape an i know weed aint the answer but damn its helped, LOADS!!!!! and i cant understand why :( im on medication, prozac, an another tablet for night, to help me sleep, im havin therepy, , have been since 2006, thats when i stopped weed, an now iv started again, i feeel better but know it needs to stop, so can ya'll help me i know it aint really a question really but, i need thios guys, i tryed to commirt suicide, brfor the weed, so as ya can tell , the change in me, has been really big, in a good way, my sister is 14, the one thats still alive, an she says the change is great but i need to find another way instead 0of doin it illegagally , i wanna loose weight find a nice man, settle down, but theirs none pout their for me, but like i say i need some tips like on how other people survived deprestion,a graphobia? an stoppin smokin weed, , weed i believe is not a physical addiction its a mentle one, agree???? please answer xxx

Image distance from focal lenght and object distance...?

Given an object distance of 38[mm] and a thin-lens focal length of 137[mm], then what is the image distance?

Looking for the name of a book I once read.?

I read a book a while back, and although I'm sure the name was Monument, I can't find it anywhere. The book is about a large ugly vagrant with a name I cant remember. He is not the ideal hero. Ugly, fat, mean, dirty, homeless and thieving. But hes very strong and does in fact save the world at the end of the book, but dies by being cut nearly in half, then tackling the "evil" thing into a bottomless pit. Well... with that info I hope someone can tell me what the name is, and where I can find the book. Thanks

I am a magician and i want to do a stunt like levitating off my house or a daring escape?

can anybody help me with my plan i want an idea i can do or you could e ven tell me how to do it. i want to do something amazing. i did a levitation of building once using the criss angel method he revealed to the public but i would really like to get off the ground like 5 feet or something if i am going to levitate off of something so please help me. i have a whole summer with nothing to do but do magic tricks so i have plenty of time thanks

I am looking for some old fashion names?

Like nice names, not Erma, Edna, or Wilbur or Margaret. Names like Charlotte,Leona, Augusta... help me brainstorm please

1400kcal ..?

a day at the most,.With burning 300 kcal a day through aerobics,How long will it tak me to lose 24lb?

How to make a legal complain against society for not transferring the flat?

It is useless to get entangled in legal process. If it is possible try to solve the problem amicably with the Society. You have not mentioned about what objection the society has raised. In any case, if you wish to court, you have to approach a Civil Court. Think thousand times before you take this course as it may take years together to get a verdict. It is time consuming and expensive too. The only beneficiary would be advocate.

Prolonging the life expectancy of the sperm cell of swine and cattle?

They freeze bull sperm to store it, and thaw it for artificial insemnation of cows. Life expectancy of the sperm is many years frozen.

Are there art stores in Canada?

I need supplies like pastels, colored paper and crafty stuff. Staples has a lot of paper and stuff but I dont think they have pastels or paints.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Why can't I get a boyfriend :( I don't know what I'm doing wrong..extremely ually frustrated!!!?

I am a 22 year old woman. And I haven't been able to find a boyfriend in three years--I've dated a lot casually to see if it leads to anything else, and I've been considered pretty, sweet, etc. by many guys, but it never turns out well. The guy is either terrified of commitment, "doesn't want to hurt me," feels like "I deserve better," or just plain ends up interested in another girl. It's frustrating. I just recently graduated college and work as a Preschool teacher, and plan on starting grad school in a few months. I enjoy dancing, yoga, reading, writing, and scrapbooking in my spare time, and have a lot of close female friends. But although all these things make me happy, they don't fill that void of having a relationship. I feel as though there is a huge gap in my life where someone special should be, and it's so frustrating to not be able to find that. I hate, HATE having no life (I don't want casual , it seems sleazy and unsafe to me), and I hate not having a guy in my life. Not only am I emotionally unfulfilled, I'm extremely ually frustrated. (A vibrator does not hold you, kiss you, etc. so that's not a good solution).I've even tried e harmony, and everyone I met on there was shady too haha. I don't know what to do--this is making so sad :( How to cope?

Looking for a new car, any sugestions??

I would never own a VW, they were rated at the very bottom of the list for dependability, toyota was #1, and I have owned a few, they are great cars. The cobalts are nice, have decent power, more then the cavilies, and are more roomy inside then the caviler. I would look into the toyotas first just because every one I have owned has really been a great car, and they get awsome gas milage.

Colors For a Chestnut!? HELP (easy 10pts?)?

I do think pink *can* look properly hideous on chestnuts but you should be able to style it out- use the white on her head and the white on the jacket- get other white stuff and see if you can make it work. I think you should be able to.

I have a few small loans, i want to consolidate them in one?

Your local bank would have the best information about it. You would take out a personal signature loan to pay off all of your small loans. Depending on how good your credit is you may need a cosigner and/or they may limit the amount they are willing to loan you.

My mother disowned me. Please help?

Well, it looks like you've got your hands full with a mother who wishes to control your life, and honestly, it looks like you're letting her. You've got a choice to make. Pursue an education in something that will bore you simply because she'll pay for it, or cut the strings and do something for yourself-by yourself. you need to make copies of your doents and return a copy to her, not the original, the next time you need one. You are obviously a legal adult now. These things belong to you. You may have to work a job or two to help put you through school. Most of the people I know had to. You'll be fine. You can get grants, loans, etc that will help you live on your own. You'll be a great counselor, I can tell. It's just making that first step out of the nest that's hard. Your family will more than likely come around but if not, whose loss is it, really? I wish you the best of luck. Stay strong.

Did you scream when Burress caught the touchdown p?

My dad did...I'm on the computer therefore I didn't see it. He said its going to be the play of the game! =] x

Are you surprised that Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke said, "Heaven help us" last Wednesday?

heaven can't help us. besides all this is being done intentionally, so the government will soon introduce the new american currency called the amero.

About Career for MBA! Help me please!?

MBA is not a job - and is useless without real world work experience after you get a bachelors degree

What if you dont know your nc state refund amount how do i check to see if my nc state refund has been mailed?

i went to wheres my refund from the state of nc, but you need the amount of your nc amount and i dont remember the amount. ive looked everywhere, how can i byp that question to get my answer on wheres my nc state refund

Are you a Borrow and spender ?

Republicans talk about Dem s spending money, but they have always left this country in debt. Dems spend money on programs for the taxpayers of this country.

Is it my imagination or does TNA suck?

no, its not ur imagination at all. i only watch it for the old people making fools of themselves and the physco abyss. but they have some good talent i like.

Why are people boycotting Bran Hambric?

Why do people want to boycott Bran Hambric? Their website is http://www.boycott.branhambric.com but i tink the official site is http://www.branhambric.com . Has anyone seen the movie to know why?

Wet rice cultivation.. need help..?

Flooding comes next, then planting. They transplant to mimic the natural pattern of rice growth and ensure the highest level of production from a field.

Can I take codeine and Imodium?

I'm nearly 60 yo. No pregnancy questions. I've had I.B.S. since childhood. My doctor has prescribed codeine for shingles and boils. But now I have diarrhea and I'm curious as to whether it's safe to take Imodium and the codeine as well.

A Bachelor man........?

thanks for sharing ...... true beauty is ....not dependent upon colour .........but hood habits , attitudes .....if she has good health [ fit enough to become mom ........most important ]......fair enough ......if she has vitrues ....these are much better .....colour can be made good by better food , juices ....creames ....even ....hence it is secondary one......salaam

What would you do to help a friend or family with a bed bug epidemic?

Does everything need to be replaced or just the beds and bedsheets? Or does all the furniture too? What about the dogs are they going to be carrying them too? My friend and his girlfriend moved in together and the apartment was loaded with them the neighbors all have them. What can I do to help?

Are You Going to Washington DC May 31st for the DNC RBC Count Votes Rally?

Are you going to protest/rally in Washington, DC on May 31st during the Democratic National Committee's Rules & Bylaws Committee meeting at which they will try to resolve the issue of Florida and Michigan's delegates for the convention? Do you know even what's happening with Florida & Michigan's primary votes/delegates, and do you care that the voters in those states face disenfranchisement in this, the USA?

Is there public transportation from Sacramento to San Francisco, Ca?

Im in Sacramento from Virginia bringing my daughter to Shriners Hospital and I wanted to see the Golden Gate Bridge while I am soooo, close... It would be ashame to be so close and not be able to go to San Fran...

Is this a good story?

I do not think I have ever read anything more boring. I just threw up in my mouth. Excuse me while I go claw my eyes out.

If Lindsey Lohan had to do community service what job should she get?

If Linsey Lohan had to do community service what Job should she be igned? you can either have mercy or show no mercy! :) Enjoy!

Discovery channel program, help me remember?

I saw a program on the power of suggestion. This man was going around on the street, he asked a man to guess think of his bank account # , and he told him what # he was thinking of. He also told this Girl the name of the guy who gave her first kiss, just because she thought his name. And he made one guy forget his own name and day of birth. This show was a science base one, to show you that by the way a persons eyes move or body gesture, you can tell whats on there mind. So it really was not mind reading but body reading. Just to help you help me get the name. He also gave a guy a news paper and told him to pick a word and told him what he chose. And read a cl of psychologist minds. He can put what he wants in your mind through your subconscious, by pictures, saying a word to someone else, but making sure you hear it. Or ping by you with the new paper, even though you don't remember all the words on the paper, its in your subconscious.

I'm looking for different ways of diciplining my 2 year old.?

I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old. My 2 year old I guess is going through "terrible 2's". She is very vocal and has a great vocabulary and is always talking back, she doesn't listen to me (only her dad), and has now started rolling her eyes, folding her arms, yelling "whatever, I'm going to my room" among many other things that she has been doing. I have tried positive reinforcement when she is behaving and she loves that, but it has not stopped the misbehaving, I do the 2 minute time outs, and taking away of toys. When she touches something that she shouldn't I will tap her on the hand, but that is as far as I will go with physical discipline. I'm just lost, she is a loving child and when she is good, she is sooo good, but when she does misbehave, she takes it to an extreme. Any other discipline advice suitable for a 2 year old??

Colleges similar to Villanova?

I know people who go there and they were looking for the same things you are. They looked at other schools such as BC, UMD, Duke, Miami, Clemson, PC (they dont have a football team)

Advice on how to deal with my crush on my guy friend?

Please don't judge me. I am quite frankly on the brink of insanity right now. So there's this guy named Aj. We met freshman year while I had a boyfriend, but I broke it off twice for Aj and consequently went back to my old boyfriend twice. I'm a terrible person, I know I'm surprised the kid even speaks to me. But sopre year we had a few cles together, common friends, so we chilled a lot but we weren't that close. But the summer of sopre year we got insanely close, like we would talk 24/7 about everything. He told me how beautiful I was, we talked about what we wanted to do with our lives, the things we wanted to do, how hypocrital relationships were (remember this it's important). But he had a girlfriend that summer, but things still felt more than friend-like and they just escalated to me making out with him twice while he was still dating her. But then after, rather than it just being making-out, he would hold my hand and we stayed up all night together and got breakfast in the morning. Then, sure as you know it he breaks up with his girlfriend. He tells me he did it because he didn't want a girlfriend label, which may be true or it may be because we both talked about how much we hated relationships and it'd be hypocritical for us to get into one. So we're in this place of friends/more than friends and we hang out and make out a lot. One night my other friend (who also told me he was in love with me awhile ago, that Aj was just using me, but it may be just because he still liked me because he would be the type of person to do that) so I finallly confronted Aj about his feelings (we're both shy about those things) and we both admitted we liked each other and if it worked out we should date down the road. That was like July-ish. Things continue like this, and then one night we were at a party and both got intoxicated and one thing led to another and we had . While not in a relationship I know, I make awful choices. My friend told me I blew any chance I had with him by giving it up to him so easily, which I so did not intend to happen. Now it's August and we're back in school and the first time I saw him he came up and gave me a huge hug, and wanted me to sit with him and our friends at lunch. But it's with "all the guys" so it's not like things can be romantic, it'd be awkward with everyone there and essientially it's making me seem like "one of the guys" to him all over again, I believe. It may very well be my fault, for having with him, and I get really shy and should make more effort to be more flirty but I just really wouldnt want to lose our friendship so sometimes i'm brave and flirt but I really don't think I'm flirty enough to get the message across, mainly because we're always around our group of friends and it'd be awkward with them there. But signals: he hinted at homecoming, and was going to sneak out last weekend (he's grounded, so it's hard for us to see each other without everyone there and we cant text) but it might very well have been to see everyone, not just me. And he brought me cds he thought i'd like. And whenever I want to go buy lunch in the lunch line or something he jumps up to go with me every time. But at other times, it's more friend like, we'll p each other in the hall and not say anything (partly my fault I get nervous and avoid his gaze, stupid i know). And my other friend, the one who told me he was in love with me once, told me that Aj has nothing more than feelings of friendship towards me, which is probably whats making me nervous to flirt with him. But regardless, I'm going insane, please tell me honestly what you think, and what I should do.

Why are complaints against fireman kept private?

I filed a complaint when a fireman would not let me access a paramedic. Now, because the complaint is an internal one, I can't see what the reply was. I suspect some inaccuracies but don't know how to get the report short of hiring an attorney.

Is the power of attorney over a person held fully responsible that only the person's?

money is spent on that person and not anyway for the power of attorney or any of his personal business or his bills and is there a recursion for the heirs to get the money back into the estate is it legal for the power of attorney to do as they wish with that money or what ever they want to do, such as change beneficiaries on life insurance policy or personal belongings

I need a slogan for my online marketing business?

I need a slogan for my online marketing business. We are a full service online marketing company. Our services include: SEO, PPC, social media marketing, web design, blogging, online reputation management, email marketing, etc. The name of my company is SearchDog Marketing and I'm in desperate need for a slogan. Please Help!!

Has anybody had any problems with bricketts for petrol tanks in clic m/bikes?

my 1974 honda cd175 runs on 4* petrol but not on unleaded. heard about a bricket additive to put in tank but do they work

Grrr smokin wana quit?

any eays ways 2 stop? i fail everytime my skin is lookin reli crap atm n i jus luk like a bit of a hag lol. dusnt help my friends all smoke! any 1 got any gd tips they wud like 2 share ! THANX

In Norman Rockwell's "Four Freedoms"....?

What does "Freedom From Want" have to do with anything...is like the freedom to buy and want whatever you want??? Also "Freedom From Fear" is like feeling secure/safe in America???

For those who have had vasectomy.?

How long after having a vasectomy did you resume working out? Running,biking weight training and so on. Thanks

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Am I crazy for liking him?

So I was walking through town yesterday and this car pulls out of a fraternity driveway right as I'm about to walk across there. He immediately stops, smiles, and says "Sorry" (his windows are rolled down). I just simply smile back and say "It's okay" and we continue on. Ever since then I can't stop thinking about him. I really want to see him again. But I don't even know him. I've literally been thinking about him 24/7. Is this creepy/crazy? How can I like him if I don't know him?

WWI Military Leadership?

I have been thinking about the question of military leadership in WWI. It seems it is generally believed that the leadership in WWI was very bad. Why is this so? I think perhaps it is because of the lack of large scale wars in the 19th century, as well as new weapons, which the military leaders may have been unfamiliar with, underestimated, etc. But then again, there always seem to be generals who pop up throughout history who can take advantage of new weapons. Maybe there were none during WWI, but now I am back where I started: why is this so?? I am interested in anyone's thoughts.

If someone you hadn't seen for 3 yrs shows up on your doorstep the day before they die....?

May be he had something unfinished with you or might have to say something to you. Did he say something?

Maurice Sendak's In the Night Kitchen: charming or disturbing?

What the heck is it about? It scares the kids, but they keep asking me to read it to them. I'm so disgusted at the thought of a naked kid in the cake batter that I can hardly stand it.

What is the real reason Cameron wants to go into Libya?

I am not sure what his resaons are. He was interviewed by Nick Robinson on the BBC last night and denied doing a Blair over Libya. Perhaps he is following the lead of France and belatedly, the US? Could it be connected to oil. The generous part of me likes to think that he cannot countenance Gadaffi's population being attacked and killed by this crazed despot.....

Am I the only one? Or, do dimly lit restaurants, or other stores with low light cause your PTSD to flare-up?

I can't stand being in the dark to begin with! I get really u8ncomfortable though when I see a t.v. with the black and white, shattery screen. That was the backround to my trauma. What you go through in dark places is, unfortunately, perfectly normal. It's definitely one of your triggers and will do it to you continuously. The only thing that can be done is what you've already achieved. Realizing that you are being triggered because it relates to your trauma is a HUGE step. I ume you are in some form of therapy, so maybe you should talk to them about ways to take yourself out of that time-warp as soon as you realize that you've been triggered. Best of luck :)

I want to get into the fashion industry?

start off by applying to a shop like debenhams. they employ loads of models and then if you like it still after a little while get yourself into a fashion college. there are so many in London or do a fashion degree at uni. you are the perfect shape and size. not skinny and not fat. For the agency thing there are lots on the Internet so look around see what's on offer and do research before jumping into things. there is BMA models which is an agency and that is in Hertfordshire. (www.bmamodels.com ) although it is not great it is a good start and the first step on the ladder.they are willing to help and will help you throughout your journey and give advice for what to do next. there are so many routes you can take to get into modelling and what i have listed is just a few of them but if you are looking more prof try out big designers. they are always on the look out for models.Hope everything goes ok and lemme know how you get on ok. xxxxxxxxxxx much love and kisses xxxxxxxxxxx p.s. if you need anything else just ask ok. my sister works as a part time model and she will give you anything you want ok

What was the most oddest conversation a stranger struck up with you?

Mine: Today at work, this guy approached me and started talking about aliens abducting his cats and marriage, LOL.

Where is the best place to catch b in the Ocala area?

I'm moving to Ocala this August and I would like to know where I can catch alot of b. I'm a catch and release fisherman so I don't intend on keeping anything. I just want to catch a bunch. I will be fishing from a kayak. PLEASE HELP!!!!!

World of Warcraft stat changer?

Does the world of warcraft stat changer really work? Its at www.wowstatchanger.com Does it work because I was tinking of buying it. Any one who acctualy used it please answer.

Need help with a name of a song?

There is a song that I cannot think of the name to. all i can remember is "she was daddy's little girl, momma's little angel, teacher's pet......." do you kow the title?

Does he want me because he can't have me? Any thoughts?

I think he still wants to be with you but he can't because he's too scared of being too attached and then you falling out.. That's what I fear with my ex boyfriend that i'm seeing. It's not easy if you love someone. Have you considered seeing eachother to see how it goes?

Do yoou really believe that dads know best, for their daughters?

im 13,& i think that dads like to hold on to their baby girls, but why forever? when i was young, hed layd down and when i was getin ready to fall asleep, id lay on the crease of his arm and i think he misses that and all,but i feel im bein hold back! nobody knows wats best for me but me cause were 2 different ppl;so wat i feel he cant.our experiences will be different;maybe the same but i wish hed jut let me grow! as a girl to grow up w/ her father than her mother will be difficult-cause he doesnt feel wat we females feel so he goes on wat he knows. my mom havent been such a mom but im given her a 2nd chance so maybe if im wit her i can get this hate out-but its like regardless wat i do;i hav hate. my fatha was neva there 4me my mom wasnt-so im tryn hurt him like im hurtin,but its hurtin me more.., i cuud forget bout family instant.hate knocks em rite out-i juss need someone to LISTEN ! i aint crazy-just Listen. nobody knows me, causee i dont even kno myself; im just makin up names and playin parts!

Tax exempt rental property+churches?

If a church is renting the former rectory and the rental is income for church programs .... can the rental poropery be taxed and is the rent considered taxable income?

Catholics/Orthodox: On transubstantiation and the taste of the body and blood of Christ?

We Orthodox hate the term Transubtations and don't use it we simply say it is both bread and wine and the body and blood of Christ.

What's the name of this book? A WSJ writer is displaced by the 9/11 WTC terrorist attack and settles in a ...?

small upstate NY river town where she discovers a family-owned bar that restores her spirit and belief in the goodness of others. The book is only a few years old, but I can't remember the name of the book or the author. First responder with the correct answer gets the points. Thanks.

Poll: What's your favorite goldfish?

What is your favorite goldfish? Do you like normal kind? Extra cheddar? Pretzle? Random? Pizza? Or what?

Grandma's rock in aquarium?

Umm...I am not sure if it would be safe or not. It seems like we put a big rock in our 55 gallon aquarium, but i don't know what kind it was. I don't think our fish got damaged... and for the rock, prob. the only damage would be fish poop. If you do put it in there, make sure you clean it...just dont use soap. But if you want to be on the safe side, you might not want to do it. But up to you. :)

2.4ghz core 2 duo(1.07ghz fsb), 4gb ddr3 ram, 250gb @ 7200rpm, 9600m gt 256mb dedicated....good for gaming?

I have a mbp and I will install windows with bootcamp....but are the specs enough to run like company of heroes, world in conflict, or other graphic intense games? I know maybe the gpu memory or the clock speed on the cpu is a little low but it's a nvidia and a core 2 duo...clarification: the mbp has a 9400m with 256mb and a separate 9600m gt 256mb discrete membory (don't know if that's the same as dedicated. another thing, COH and world in conflict both recommend 256mb of video memory...does that mean i satisfy their needs or are they trying to tease me? I have a 15'4'' screen so the resolution is going to be fairly low or in the middle

Why does it seem that conservative woman seem to lack creativity and imagination?

It is difficult to craft an answer to such a generalization. The reality is that most politicians wives are stiff and ask their husbands what their opinions should be. This is part of building the husband's career. The reality of being Conservative is defending the status quo, this really doesn't take imagination it takes gumption. As for being "Stepford Wives" I say that is going a bit far.

I don't feel like a whole. ?

I don't have a bf, my family doesn't notice me and when they do they get in a fight with me, I suffer through bad constipation by not being able to poop for 3 weeks. I cry in random time. like I just cry cause it comes naturally. I don't know what to do. My whole life is full of mistakes. my mom is negitive around me because of work and tell me everything bad I do like be friends with guys because girls around me are mean and dramatic. I need help. I smile all the time because i am trying to make my life better not to cry all the time and I do it when I am in my room alone. but when I hide crying people never know what's wrong... everyone thinks I am over the hedge. I smile too much and that I am not like others in a bad way. they don't even kow me and they get tlaking about me when most of the stuff isn't true.

I want to cook beef meat - not in too much sauce?

When I make meat from scratch, I only bake them for about 30 minutes, no pan frying. The fats in the meat melt out and create a frying-like experience on the baking sheet.

Which comic book should I start out with? Sinestro Corps, Blackest Night, or batman war games?

I just got back into comics and I downloaded a few on my computer. I downloaded the blackest night collection, sinestro corps, and batman war games. Does it matter which one I start out with? Also, for the blackest collection there is so many off branches to it...How do read it in order? do I just read blackest night 1-8, then start reading the GLC Corps blackest night, then the green lantern crops, and the batman ones or there a specific order I have to follow to ensure story continuity? I'm kind of lost and feeling noobish here...Someone help me out!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What should i say when i text this guy i like?/ Please help me!!?

There is a guy aand he is kinda cool. I think he likes me but when we text i have nothing to say and it seems like he dosnt either,,, but you can tell that he is trying to tink of something so it isnt his fault.

HAve you ever mistakenly bit your finger bc you thought it was a french fry..?

Wow that's silly. I don't eat fast food french fries. When I do eat french fries they're the large homemade garlic ones. Yum!

Favorite Nickelodeon Cartoon of ALLTIME?

I like Rocko's Modern Life, Rugrats, Hey Arnold, Doug(pretty bad show looking back on it), Angry Beavers, and Catdog. Spongebob is probably the only cartoon still playing today(10 years...SINCE 1999) that I would actually have watched back then

How do I save a doent for a service provider (printing company) using Adobe In design CS3?

I want to create a doent (flyer or newsletter) using In design CS3 but I don't know how to save it so that a professional printing company can open it and m print it. I think I have to "save for a service provider", so that they have all the links and fonts etc. Can you explain how to do this? Thanks!

Shingles pain!! Is there anything worse?!?

Kidney stones are far more painful. Have a few. Nothing compares to them. Got shingles in left eye and still have redness,puss, and irritation. That occurred 6 months ago. Still, a kidney stone is something you will never forget.

Psst read this--->DIEt Plan please?

i'm an 18 year old make, 6 feet, 155lb. i played football and got gained a good 20 pounds of muscle but i've lost it all since the season ended. i just recently started working out again, about 3 days a week. this is all background info, what is a healthy daily diet for me. i'm not looking for 3000 calories a day, 2 cups of fruit or stuff like that. more for an actual list, like bowl of cereal (weed too if i got some) sandwich for lunch, stuff like that, an actual list. thanks. i'm not concerned with excercise advise, i already jog and workout but i know i dont eat healthy and its startin to show

Is America better off now than it was 6 months ago?

Do you see an improvement headed our way or will it get worse? Can we survive 3 1/2 more years of this taxation administration.

What is the best media to use for adding colour to Textiles designs?

Do you mean designs on paper, rather than on textiles? If so, I'd be tempted to use a fine line black waterproof (Pentel do good ones, and available from Rymans and Smith's I think), and either keep them black and white, or use watercolour within the lines. If you do use watercolour, then use watercolour paper which won't buckle so much when you wet it. However, there's no reason why you shouldn't use a mixture, or even collage.

Am i destined to move on? Or will my heart just hurt?

Okay, so my bf and I broke up over a month ago. And yes, I was healing. I knew there would be side effects because we had something really good and it could have lasted. But things happen so I was willing to heal. But now my subconscious is constantly filling my head with dreams that he'll try to get me back some how. I was healing,now I'm hurting again. Am I destined to love him forever, and maybe one day we'll be together? Or what? please help.

How do you ADDRESS your MOTHER what name do you use MOM,MOTHER,MOMMY,use her 1st NAME,or ANOTHER NAME?

When my mother was still with us.."rip" I would call her mom. and sometimes her first name just to joke with her...

Credit card company suing me for nonpayment?

I am being sued for nonpayment. I consolidated my to CC's into one 2 years ago and paid it off. I asked the bill collector to send me proof that what they are suing me for was for the same account that I paid off with them in the past and all I got was a list of all the charges. I don't have any files to prove what I paid off was for the same account. Also the court date has been moved back 4 times because the cc company hasn't been able to provide its lawyers any contract with my signature on it. Do I have a shot at this in court? They won't take any payment arrangements.

Please help!!! I got a traficc ticket a year ago in NYS..............?

I got a speeding ticket in upstate NY a year ago and wasnt able to go to court. Is my license suspended? What can I do to resolve this issue?

What cles should I take in High School?

well it depends first on what you want to major in, get what you need for that first. then you do extra. that always looks good on a application

Why does my fresh frozen fish dry out when defrosted?

Every time lately I have bought fresh fish and frozen it, when i defrost it the fish has totally dried out. I leave it wrapped in the same stuff the supermarket wrap it in. Is this the problem?

What advice might one offer for a gay "commitment ceremony" and reception for a DJ & Emcee?

Take the easy road by calling in sick that day. You can have a subordinate take care of the ceremony & have it taped. You can watch the tape & learn from the worker's mistakes then as an added bonus you get to tear the worker a new one for screwing up!

Which one of these political statements is most true? DEMS AND REPUBS?

None of them, I think the truest political statement goes like this.... liberals are dumb! Yep, that's the truest I've heard so far.


Well, I think it may be time to shift things about in my life. I'm 28, 6'7", lives in Houston Texas. Every weekend I end up either hanging out at the bar getting wasted, or just together with a bunch of friends smokin out and eatin pizza. I miss going on road trips, goin to BBQs or events. Heck, every women I dated I pretty much met at the bar scene!! Should I stay the course, or try something different to get me out of my old routine?? (sorry, this is probably the only serious question I ever posted) Any Ideas??

A Gospel Enigma: Are evangelical theologians teaching our children that injustice is justice?

There are many innocent people in jails today because DNA testing can narrow it down to you or another one in 300000 (out of the millions on earth) but they have you so it is you. Gospel enigma is stupid! You can't even think for yourself, this question is ridiculous. Just my opinion.

Can Someone Please rate my pokemon diamond team?

well, to me. this team is outstanding. they all have great moves and they all are high levels. they will make an excellent team once they hit lvl. 100. keep training them. they are phenomenal.

Boyfriend moody about in car....?

i'm staying at my boyfriend's grandparent's house in the countryside for some family gathering.. and me and my boyfriend never get any private time alone.. so we went out for a drive in his car... anyway he stopped driving and parked up in this little secluded area and started to make out. and when he tried to have i said no and now he's been really moody and hardly talking to me. should i have said yh and how can i stop him being moody now?

Is BerbaFlop a DOLLY......?

lol lol, he is a ken doll, cause he aint got the male anatomy necessary to score goals i.e he aint got the (oh wow, more puns than you can handle here, I think Harm-own-nee :p)

What's up with artistes like Amy Winehouse?

well all that money has gone to their heads, they just wake up one day and think well ill just waste a few thousand pound today getting high as a kite as im famous and i can afford to do it, i can get away with doing anything in this world now im famous!!!!

How does this look for week 7?

I would put in Fitzgerald over Coles. Even against Washington, he's going to have better odds than Coles. Watson is injured and is probably out for the week so you may want to consider finding a sub at TE. At this point, your best bet is to either dump or trade Campbell and one of your defenses for either a TE or better WR. Good luck.

Is there such thing as a eneguilprium diagram (solidification of metals)?

I'd imagine that you can soidify just about anything if you get it's temperature low enough =/ Good luck!

Why do you think this is?

i have trouble making friends or relating to people mainly because i don't have a lot to say and i'm shy but i don't have problem speaking in front of a crowd.. in school every time i had to get up and present my project and everyone was always surprised they all said they thought it would end up bad but i managed to be calm and articulate and now they think i'm pulling a double persona kinda thing.. but it's not true.. and people always think i'm lying or having a secret life behind their back or something, why is this?

Why are americans giving stupid excuses for their loss?

i kno, they gotta accept it. but the Mexicans are also racist. this one commentator was talking bout Mexico Vs. El Salvador and he was saying, "this game will be nothin. El Salvador isnt even a challenge to us." im salvadorean, but i was wit mexico, but after hearing him say this. EVERY SIGE SALVADOREAN was watching da game and they ENJOYED to see Mexico lose.

What are your fave King of Queens Episodes?

i like the one where doug and carrie got mold in their apartment and went to doug's parents for the money to fix it. then joe asks doug "where are your books?" and doug got confused and said "books? on the book ... shelf?"

Music for Windows Movie Maker?

I am trying to add music to a slide show I am doing on Windows Movie Maker. It comes up with "The file C:\Doents and Settings\Owner\My Doents\My Music\My Playlists\SpringFling.wav.wpl is not a supported file type, and it cannot be imported into Windows Movie Maker." Why is this so. I am getting really annoyed by it. PowerPoint is a lot easier than this piece of Crop.

Pistons problem: michael curry has a crush on rodney stuckey?

I agree to a degree, but both AI and Hamilton are at the end or near the end of their prime. At least you have a guaranteed 17 points off the bench whenever Stuckey isn't at his best.

Heartgard. Do you use it? Has it ever failed for you?

After hearing about heartworm positive dogs who were using heartgard, i looked into it a bit. Apparently, Heartgard has quite a failure rate. Although their package insert recommends fully chewing the tablet, they fail to mention that this is REQUIRED in order to get the full benefits of the preventative. Consequently, it seems some dogs have contracted heartworms while using heartgard. Has this happened to you or anyone you know?

Can immunity from one disease give immunity to another?

Your friend is right to a degree. Studies have been done which show that children now are more prone to allergies and it appears to be because of over fastidious mums. It does not hurt for a child to have dirty play and to crawl around being exposed to general germs. It builds up immunity generally which makes the body dtronger when it comes to a "nasty" germ. It does not actually give immunity against another disease, but the body's response to invaders has been practiced and swings into action faster and more efficently.

Why is there still cannibals in Africa?

I think you mean "are". Why are there still cannibals in Africa. And I wasn't aware that there were cannibals in Africa.

How can i get to vacaville from sf on BART?

there is no bart station anywhere near vacaville. richmond is probably the closest. but you can also use the bus system from solano express. route 40 services pleasant hill bart station...from there take bart to SF. in the past i have run into a's fans going from vacaville to the oakland coliseum using this method.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Why do so many people want to pullout of the wars?

It shows we are weak to the rest of the world. We fight wars to win not to lose them. We should fight to protect our most important ally and also to protect Americans. Terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya want to hurt us and our most important ally it is our job to take them out before they take us or our allies out. Pulling out of the war would be foolish and possibly an economic disaster.

For free thinkers, not religious zealots.... Theory of Evolution question?

If you are truly seeking answers, allow me to suggest you find a copy of the book 'There is a River' by Thomas Sugrue. You will very likely end up with answers to questions you haven't yet considered. Good luck. I don't know anything for a fact, but in fact I do know what I believe. However, just because I believe it, doesn't make it true. I don't think most of us (humans) are intelligent enough to know anything for an absolute, incontrovertible truth, but, through diligent study, we can at least know what we believe.

Want to buy a xbox 360 for cheap wheres the best place to buy it?

I asked the same question but wound up buying a used one for 200$ at gamestop, but u can also try eBay.

Bringing pets to college?

I don't know how I'm going to survive in college without my sugar glider or my kitty, but nearly all of my top colleges do not permit pets (even in the off-campus houses and apartments). Do any of you folks out there keep pets in college? If so, where do you go and how did you find a pet-friendly place?

How do I block unwanted add` spam mail.?

How can I stop spam relating to sites,? I have been bombarded by it, and have had to block all recieved spam, but the odd ones managed to get through,. Now I am recieving it in my, in box, as it seems to be byping the spam block.?????

Arizona Courthouse?

Hi, I need another copy of my birth certificate and I heard that you can go to the Courthouse but I can't find one. Any close to Queen Creek? I was born in Arizona FYI. Thanks.

UC Boulder application essay - help, please!?

Ok ways in which you could enrich their diverse and inclusive community is by participating in their plans to help reach academic excellence through dedication, maximum effort, and hard work. Focusing strictly on the goals that both you and the institution invision.you can also add any extra curricular activities that you might participate in to contribute in making the school a place of success and admirition. What you hope to gain for your college experience is all up to you and what you hope for, but it would definately help to say gain the best education.

Word count for English A level coursework - how do I do this?

my english a level coursework has to be less than 2500 words long, and on the microsoft word count it comes up as 2870, but it counts white spaces as words so i know this isn't accurate. someone told me to use courier 12 font and then the word count is 250 per page, but this can't be accurate either? as words vary in length. how accurate does my coursework word count need to be (i need to write it on the bottom of my work before submitting it), and which is the best way to do it? thanks x

I might have saggy :( How can I fix thiss!!!?

Go to a store that sells bras, for example La Senza. Ask an experienced worker to help you find a bra with a lot of support. That should do the trick! Good luck!

Mick foley king of the ring 1998?

do you think every wrestler saw that the next day after the ppv. and what do you think there thoughts were.


Wow, I'm confused after reading your question, do our young people even know english anymore. All this computer and text abbreviations are driving me crazy.

Can you buy vicerex in a store?

My friend told me about this Herbal Male Enhancement pill Vicerex, I've never been one to try any of these but I'm kind of curious, plus tonight may be my first lucky night in awhile. Does anyone know where I could get some today and not online?

What do you think of this potty?

I have heard and read reviews that this potty is wonderful but cannot find a link right now. For $20 I say try it. Since he is so big if you don't want this try a seat that is used only on the toilet. The padded seats usually run $10-$20 dollars and just sit on the adult potty so they won't fall in.

Why do guys dig long hair a lot?

I think it's part of our wiring to see long hair as soft, feminine, and y. When I was a kid, my mother kept my hair short (for ease of care, ostensibly) and I always felt that I looked like a little boy. I longed to have hair down to my waist so I could braid it or wear it in other styles. As a result, I've kept my hair long all my adult life (waist-length through my early thirties, a little shorter since then.)

Does anyone know if Oil furnaces also produce carbon monoxide or is it only natural gas furnaces that does?

Actually oil furnaces are more prone to CO production than natural gas furnaces. This is mainly due to the average age of the systems. Anytime you have a furnace in your home that burns a fossil fuel you should have CO monitors/alarms. CO is very deadly and the fact that it is odorless makes it very hard to detect.

What are her options? According to HIPAA Guidelines?

Dr. B in Epidemiology wants to yze data concerning cancer rates in Northeast Ohio. As she needs to review 2,000 cases for statistical significance, she believes that obtaining authorization would make the study infeasible.

Cross a chinese lantern with a tomato...is it possible?

What would happen if I got a q tip and swiped the pollen off of the floweriing tomato plant and Physalis Alkekengi(chinese lantern) and rubbed the opposite pollen on the other flowering pods...Basically put th epollen from the tomato on the chinese lantern and vice versa??? What would happen? Im asking this because th etwo plants are closely related.

Me and my wife planning to buy car we both make good income. only issue is 1 deliquincy in credit dealer is te

Dealer is giving us about $550 to $600 per month installment quote on our New Honda accord 2008. I know honda accord is great vechicle but is this pricing good? usually for new car it runs about $300 to $400 depending upon your credit rating. My credit ratings are about 650 to 700 points from all three creditors equifax, and other two but still he is giving us $550 to $600 monthly plan on accord. please advise on this. (No negative critisim please) thanks

Is it conceited to completely love oneself?

i always worry aboutt that, like if i love myselfff a lott bad things will come to mee!! so wierd i knowww, do u agree or disagree/ hopefullyy u disagree and can help me do the same! i do love myself, but i shudnt be ashamed of it or scared of it, right?<33333333

Could The Buffalo Bills Go 5-0?

Yeah, that's an easy schedule. Probably will go 5-0, if not I say 4-1. But I would hope they would go 5-0. Beating two teams from the playoffs last year is a good start already.

Why don't we have AFRTS radio and TV service set up for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan?

When I was overseas, everywhere we had troops we had the American Forces Radio and Television Service, providing radio and TV for the troops in the trenches. Our work place just participated in "Operation DVD", collecting CD's and DVD's for the troops in the sandbox because they don't have AFRTS there. Why in the world is that? I mean, even in the Korean War, AFRTS Radio Vagabond broadcasted music news and information to the troops in the field from a PANEL TRUCK! How hard can this be? I am sure it would go a long way towards building up morale. Remember "Good Morning Vietnam"? Why can't they have "Good Morning Iraq?" They sure deserve it.

Need snack ideas for my 11 month old?

She had her regular formula every 4 hours as well as 3 meals, but for snacks I'm not sure what I should be giving her. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Just a heads up, she only has 1 tooth as of so far as well.

TNA bag fit in my locker?

I have the same bag. I think . Is it the one that's like flat on the bottom, and is round on top? If yes, then it'll probably fit. just put it in vertically.

If I do spinning for about 6 hours a week for three weeks, How much body fat will I be able to lose?

the diet that you follow ultimately determines your body composition not the exercise that you participate in. the healthier your diet the greater the physical changes you will see in your body. exercise only provides the stimulus, your diet provides the nutrients that your body needs to run at optimum levels of efficiency. the more whole foods and the less chemicals that you ingest on a daily basis the healthier you will be

I need hair help?!?

i think u should cut your hair like the bob cut but a little longer and i do not think your fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

Why did my friend do this to me?

iam a male and i have been best friends with a female since we where early teenagers at one point we got closer than friends as in the odd kiss (when we where teenagers and i have no feeling that way for her ) .now 25 years on we have never lost that friendship so much so when she drinks a little too much she can be a bit loose with her lips and has told me that shes in love with me several times. the next day nothing is mentioned and we get on with our lifes as nothing was ever said as i put it down to the alcohol. we are both in long term happy marriages .sometimes we can argue and at one time she slapped me when drunk and for the next two weeks cried and tells me that its the worst thing she has ever done.we always talk about each others familys being bitches and heads and its always been accepted by the two of us .i have been there all her life for her and know everything about her and i have always been the one she confides in and helped her pick up the pieces.well a few weeks ago her brother started a fight with a friend in a restaurant and threw a gl of water over him for no reason in front of us.so the following week we had a few drinks too many and i told her that her brother was a total *** hole at times which i have said in the past and she agreed well she stormed out and then told all our friends and family that she hates me and told them that i called her brother an *** hole and is constantly bitching about me to them .she has totally fallen out with me .i dont understand when we have slagged both our familys over the years and accepted it like brother and sister.i know she is having problems with her husband but why has she totally fallen out with me for over a month now .all our friends have told her that she has went over the top with this and cant understand why she has went overboard with this .WHY ME . AND WHY BETRAY ME TO OUR FRIENDS AND KEEPING IT GOING

Does Nyquil screw you up???

I can not take Nyquil because it makes me feel like I want to run through a brick wall. It keeps me awake, makes me full of energy... and that is not good when you have a cold or flu.

We all know that LSU is going to kick the crap out of the Buckeyes but?

There isn't going to be just one deciding factor because the game won't even be close. I want to know how you can have the 104th toughest season schedule and than be ranked No. 1 at season's end. The BCS is a joke just like the Buckeyes!

Im a beautiful red head blessed with a smokin body.but im getting dumped for these ugly shinny asian women?

My ex husband of 4 years left me for a Philippino.shortly after that i cought my last boy freind in my own bed with another asian.Then just last night some freinds & i finally hooked upwith some bikers just so we could get laid .We stepted out to use the laidies room came back and i'll be dambed if ther wasn't a bunch of asian'women all over them.Dont get me wrong im not a raceist.I just want to know what it is that men see in them??I have seen a few that are really pretty.But what is it that all men see in them?Do they have some thing that us American women dont????

How can I keep my granite worktop neat n clean?

Hey there, I have just moved into this new building and everything looks good except for the kitchen worktop. I want to clean it up but the some blemishes just refuse go off. Help!

Should movies, music, most entertainment become more uplifting and inspirational during rough economic times?

So, get involved in the entertainment industry? Who's to say what art should be produced but the artists, their financiers, and the public that votes with their wallet?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Am I about to have my first period? When?

Ok I'm 13 and I haven't had my first period yet. I have A cups, a lot of pubic hair, underarm hair that I've been shavin for 1 year, an leg hair that I've been shaving for 2 years. I have also been having dicharge for 2 years. About 2 weeks ago, I had a big increase in discharge. Then I started spotting but barely. Over the course of 3 days, I found 3 streaks of brownish red discussed and tan discharge. Then it stopped an the discharge slowed down. Then it sped up again after a few more days. I started having cramps a few days ago and I'm very tired. I have been very moody and today I was getting really mad at people for no reason. The cramps I am feeling are mostly in my upper left thigh but are also in my back and my sides and lower stomach. It's really annoying! Yesterday I had horrible thigh cramps all day and today they are not as bad but now they are coming back just as strong. It doesn't hurt really bad, but it still hurts and I uncomfortable. Today my lower stomach has had the worst cramps, but now my thighs are starting to hurt! Also, I know this is tmi but I have been like pooping a lot more then normal? When should I get my first period? Also, just a little while ago I wiped and found a lot of clear white discharge along with 2 tiny blood specks!

How do i build a horse trough? Store bought ones aren't dependable and break too easy. help!?

We used two nonworking chest freezers with the lids removed. just put them end to end along a fence. They also make wonderful water troughs.

Does Anybody Know If You Can Return Dead Plants To PetCo?

Not that I anticipate their death, but if they do die, and it's within 15 days of the purchase like it says on the back of the receipt (it simply refers to 'deceased aquatic life') will they take it back and let me exchange it for a healthy one?

Nicknames! On the pitch nicknames anyone?

I like el Bofo but I've also heard el piolas, el cremas, el feroz, la loca, chatita, yayo, la troca y el chupes.

Donot get confused by Bacchha Rahul Buda LKA . Will you ?

I do not know what you want to say, all I understand is you are trying to talk about caste in politics. I do not know why are you doing the same what these politicians are doing? Why is no one talking about the country rather than that, talking about caste and religions? Is that all matters of India?

2 days in Richmond, VA...what to do?

Hello, I'm going to be taking a vacation to Richmond, VA for just 2 full days in late October. I'm very into history, and I know VA is full of it! After doing some of my own research, I have decided to stay away from Colonial Williamsburg as I've heard that alone takes a full day, and can be quite expensive....here's what I'm thinking....Yorktown, Jamestown, Richmond Battlefield, and the Confederate White House....do these destinations sound good? Anything I should add or avoid to this? What about restaurants in Richmond? Anything I just HAVE to try that's unique to the area? Thanks a bunch!

What do you think about my comic series?

This is pretty interesting, it kind of makes think of political cartoons. Is this what you're aiming for?

What's the true fact about the mozart effect? does it really work?

A German sewage treatment plant plays Mozart music to break down the waste faster, reports the UK Guardian. Anton Stucki, chief operator of the Treuenbrietzen plant., is quoted as saying, "We think the secret is in the vibrations of the music, which everything—including the water, the sewage and the cells."....See....^ "News Quirks"..in Flagstaff (AZ) Live, July 1, 2010:.....................A German sewage-treatment plant is saving $1,200 a month by using the music of Mozart to motivate microbes to break down waste faster. “We think the secret is in the vibrations of the music, which everything—including the water, the sewage and the cells,” said Anton Stucki, chief operator of the Treuenbrietzen plant. “It creates a certain resonance that stimulates the microbes and helps them to work better.” Stucki believes Mozart works because the composer “managed to transpose universal laws of nature into his music.

I told this guy I like him now he's y!?

I told this guy I work with that I like him. We can't date so it is just kind of there. He likes me too, his friend told me, he was just afraid that I liked him because he liked me. Anyway, I am a pretty and nice girl, there are a lot of guys that like me. My friends tease me because the guy I like isn't "hot" and he can be somewhat of an @ss to people. Well now he seems to be acting almost y. He keeps asking me if I'm okay in almost a condescending way. He's also been more flirty around other girls. He's not flirting flirting but he is more open and talkative. What's going on?

Do you think Fireman Sam would beat Bob the Builder in a street fight?

Fireman sam just took a bribe from the grocery store lady by not paying for his sack lunch. Another city employee accepting bribes.. Bob would kick his .

I REALLY need this :'((?

I diink yuh shud try asken pepl for any clues r sumfhen ihf not ask dah boy 1zt ii dink daht wud B easier if yuh still dnt get ahn answer yuh hav 2 go to the grl n juz ask her n private n tehl her yuh wnt get mad buht ihf she tehl yuh yehs yuh kuhd get mad>>lmao

My stepbrother hates me?

He's jealous because he feels like you replaced him. He is adopted, you are your father's son by blood. He feels bad about not being a natural member of the family and so wants to make you feel as bad as he does. I think you should avoid him where possible but when you do cross paths be nice. It's hard to keep hating someone who is nothing but nice to you. You could also tell your dad if he's trying to beat you up but that would be a last resort. No need to be 'carrying tales' on top of everything else. Good luck.

Pregnant and NOT feeling y?

Okay I am pregnant, I'm 6 1/2 months pregnant but I am a pretty cute pregnant chic. I haven't expanded in every direction like a blimp or anything...but I've been having th hardest time getting in the mood with my husband. Not getting in the mood in particular - I can do just fine by myself but of course thats a pretty self centered and fast act if I want it to be. HE likes - I have ,my moments when I don't mind it - I tried to watch pregnant today knowing he would be in the mood later - it totally turned me off. Girls acting like total sluts while something beautiful is growing inside of them just was a weird double standard to me. I am usually a total tiger but with my belly growing I am not the sensual little thing I was. I get discouraged, I don't feel up to standard and I know that it's all in my head. What can I do? I love this man and making love to him is the best thing ever - I've just lost my "groove" I feel so "prude" and not myself.

Do you think a devout religious follower has the right to pick and choose which religious rules they follow?

Yes, it bothers me when I see many Catholics saying they don't believe this or that about the Catholic Church and so I am thinking , then you aren't really Catholic and I wish people would not tell people they are a certain religion if they do not follow what that religion says.

Does anyone believe the quotes on page 3 of The Sun (UK tabloid)?

Frankly the Sun is at best a harmless comic and at worst a threat to democracy. The only thing I would believe in the Sun is the date stamp!

Who is the hottest celebrity guy out of this list?

Even though he isnt on your list, i'd say chace crawford, even though he is my cousin, but on your list i'd say sterling knight!

While the big oil companies are making obscene profits, why does the government still take our money to?

Subsidize them? They are not allowed too much exploration because of environmental whaco's whining about drilling,so where do they use that subsidy? They have capped wells, and inefficient refineries,some with varied formulars. Is the administration main concern big business, and under the table money? If it was about the war, we would have increased energy production, that's one reason Hitler could not sail his ships near the invasion, low fuel reserve and supply cut off. does anybody recall back when gas was cheaper,and Texas, and Oklahoma oil people cried,and layed off people, because they complained about competing with Opec? that was friendly and up in production, That's when they decided to bail them out with further increase in susidies? We need to do something to bring back sanity to what's going on here, maybe big multitudes in town hall meetings, and marches on DC with semi's blocking all DC traffic. WE have to wake up Joe sixpack! Hello! justice branch, investigation please!

What are your pet hates?

People who don't say there pleases and thankyou's. Annoys me when you leave a door open for someone following you and them not saying thankyou. It's usually people higher up in their profession who should be setting the examples!

Is this love or is this ridiculous?

Ok please don't laugh while Reading this but the other day I was watching my favorite movie called Boondock Saints and while watching it I realized how hot Norman Reedus was then I started thinking about him nonstop googled him like a million times and started to save up money to fly to New York which is where he lives which I also googled. I keep imagining our wedding and I can't think of being with anyone else. Is this what love feels like or am I just being silly?

I want a vasectomy. Anyone got any great advice for me?

I am 42, divorced and have kids. I made a deal with my daughter that I could have a girlfriend, on the condition I did not have any other kids. I now want a vasectomy. Anyone got any great advice for me?

Im 14 yrs old and i want to be a pilot (im sure of it) where does my flight training begin....?

im 14 yrs old, where should i start if i want to be a pilot. Is there anywhere in CT that has flight training, even if its just gliders?

Will america allow illuminati to destroy their beloved country through economic meltdown?

Yes they will and they will think they are doing the right thing in the process. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. I like Thomas Jefferson too, he was a true American, an ideal that has been perverted and/or lost over time.

St Patrick's day game ideas for old ladies?

I need some creative ideas for a St. Patricks day themed game. Its for a group of middle aged and older women in a church group so it would be nice to have a bible or religious theme to it but its not necessary. I'm not looking for bingo but maybe something that will make them laugh and have fun. Also something that's not very hard like a quiz. Any other suggestions would be great

I'm looking for something which can do everything an MPC can but without the built in?

I'm looking for something which can do everything an MPC can but without the built inness. I've been thinking about the akai mpd16 for a while. Ie i want something which is cheap so in conjunction with my computer i can do everything the mpc on its own. any suggestions, thanks

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I just saw the movie 300 wow is it me or is it pretty much gay ?

I mean christ I honestly don't think I have seen such a gay movie since Fight Club. The best part is when the mutant sold out the gay spartans for Persian hookers.

Re-hang drywall or leave it alone?

A 5/8" - 12 foot drywall was inadvertently hung above a 1/2" drywall in a bedroom of my future house. Someone plans on using a wider piece of tape to cover the incongruent seams, claiming I won't be able to tell the difference. Are there other reasons why I should re-hang it with the appropriate 1/2" drywall or should I leave it be?

On which website, I can get the famous song 'Hum Honge Kamyab' rendered by Salil Choudhary?

The rendering of this song by the famous music director Salil Choudhary had the influence of Mozart's music.

Songs similar to "Life is a Highway" by Rascal Flatts?

Just wondering if anyone knew any songs similar sounding to the song "Life is a Highway" Rascal Flatts version because I LOVE that song. lol.

Could religion become an idolatry?

Your points are all very valid, and yes, I do believe it would then clify as idolatry. Place the book above God, it becomes an idol, same with the prophet, you make them a false god and idol. The rest of it happens everyday, sadly, and the teaching and understanding is long lost.

I need help with SEO, who has good tips?

SEO can be a tedious challenge. Where is a good site to help find information on driving more traffic to my site and learning how Google and Yahoo work? Here is a good article a href="http://www.modeltemplate.com/tips/SEO/seoIntro.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.modeltemplate.com/tips/SEO/se…/a

Why be so censoring?

Someone just asked a truly offensive (to some) questions on here and I took the time to answer it to hopefully alleviate some of her ignorance and then I hit refresh and poof! It got deleted. Now I understand getting offended about things but I really don't think its fair to delete something just because its offensive. It was not a poorly constructed or otherwise badly written question. Why report and consequently delte things that open up a real debate? Isn't that one of the tools of the internet?

How to download movies from Limewire to my iPod?

go to then click on or find the folder your movies are in (i suggest adding them to a specific folder on your desktop) and you will hopefully be able to drag and drop them into your movie or tv show libraries... i do this with music all the time... then sync your libraries with your ipod.....Touch? and you should be able to watch them..... : )

For those who have been to BOULDER COLORADO?

To start off, the skiing and boarding is amazing in Colorado. Boulder does also have some acting opportunities. They have an entire week every year where students put on Shakespeare plays outside. Boulder is one of the most active school for a young person to be at. There are not many people that just sit around and do nothing. Almost everyone is around the town either playing frisbee or enjoying the sun. (300+ days of sun a year)

Bruno Mars- Just The Way You Are~ high notes?

Can't seem to hit the high notes in the part "when you smile" , and "just the way you are" refrain without using my falsetto I'm a tenor I'm asking what's the easiest way to hit it. My voice is high but I have problem doing it so. I really want to sing this in my talent show, also can you guys give me the notes on that part if its A or B# or D in "when you smile" or "just the way you are" so ill play it in the piano. Thanks much

Vegans & veggies - is your self righteousness pushing people away?

Some vegans & veggies are in my experience incredibly self righteous - would you get more people joining the cause if - say - a sense of humour was applied?


At first, a lady just called me saying she wants to refer some cello students to me. I got really excited because that was exactly what I was looking for. When she asked me for my background, I told her I have been playing the cello for over 17 years. Graduated from a really good university and was in a really great youth symphony so I also know the process of auditioning and gettting into an orchestra. One part I fibed on was when I told her I minored in cello in college. I never declared a music minor but had played a lot of music while in college. My college major was actually in physics. I don't know why that came out of my mouth! I perhaps thought what I had done in music was equivalent to a minor. But I knew that the reason she contacted my was not because I minored or majored in music, it was because she saw me playing and really liked what she heard. That is what she told me. But what should I do without losing the business? I know I can do a great job teaching cello. Should I just not accept her referral? What should I do? Please help!

I know this is a scam but i want to know if anyone can tell me?

Can a travel agency hold your money for a ticket if you don't have all of it up front. my brother is talking to someone in NIgeria and she told him that she needs $620 that is all she has left on the ticket and the travel agency is holding her part of the airfare, and would she need a visa to get into the US

A question about Western Civilization!?

Many historians refer to the 19th century as an “Age of Revolutions.” Was WWI a continuation of or a break from 19th century traditions? what were the ways which the First World War decisively impacted European societies. Was it inevitable given the 19th century attitudes that preceded it?

How much it'll cost to rent apartment in Odessa for 1 month?

i'll move to complete my study in Ukraine (Odessa City) i want to know how much it'll cost if am gonna rent apartment there single bed with bath or even if there is a studio it'll be better.

Who do you feel is going to be the best player of the NHL?

I think it is Malkin because he has heart and talent Ovechkin is good and so is Crosby I mean there Amazing but I Feel Malkin is going to be the Best of the Best what do you think and why?

Wat is goin on???

My boyf txted me sayin aww hun u need to chill u worry too much lol..n den he goes on boout sayin wud i be ur 1st time n also how coms u chose me n no one else..i wrote dat yh u wud be my 1st time n i chose u cos ur different to other guys n i have neva felt soo much for a guy b4..oh yh n den he texted bk sayin seriously have u thorght bout it cos i dont want u to regret it if fings dont work out n the first time is important 4 girls..n he goes i dint know dat u like me soo much how coms u like me soo much i didnt even know u in college sorri i didnt mean to sound rude lol n he goes but think about it init cos i dont want u to be regrettin it later..n den i sed yh i understand wat u tryin to say but i dont fink i'll regret it and 2 be honest i want to do it with u den ne1 else but mayb it is too early to decide lol n den i wrote yh well u no now smelly n i dunno how i can like u soo much it just happened i guess lol...yhh soo y did he say all dis im confused :s write bk

Do Girls Like The Bad Boys or Metrouals?

i think that they would like you personally first.i.e before liking you they wont think if you are bad or meteroual..it would just happen..so no worries.there must be a girl in this world somewhere who is dreaming about you and waiting for you

Best Lubes For...You know...?

I use mayonnaise, cooking oil, er, skin moisturizer... I have used laundry liquid before too - it was an emergency.

Do travel website prices change daily?

Was wondering if Hotel+Airfare package prices on sites such as Travelocity or Priceline change on a daily basis?? Does anyone know when the best time to book your trip would be? I have a wedding to be at in Orlando in early November.

Why does my eye prescription keep changing?

Sounds pretty strange. Definitely an ophthalmologist is the doctor you should see. I can't see why your vision would go back and forth. Have you had any hormonal issues going on in the past? Pregnancy can influence vision and that is a hormonal issue. You could have had some totally different hormonal issue that influenced your vision perhaps. Another thing that can affect your vision in what would seem to be unusual ways is cataracts. Then, there are so many other things that can go wrong with your eyes.

Scientists, engineers, technicians: Do you perform little "good luck rituals" in your daily work?

Nope. Unless you count yelling at my computer and then restarting it. But I'm pretty sure only the restarting is helping.

Im overweight i decided to try the eplitical machine i own.. but i only did 5 minutes of it ..?

my heart was racing and i couldnt do no more.. i just started weight watchers and want to get on the right track.. any suggestion on how to begin a excerisce routine for the morbid obese.

Is there something wrong with my car?

Yes something is not right and if it only has 5,000 miles on it it is new and still under warranty. Take it back to the dealership where you bought it and tell them whats going on. They might keep your car for a few days to figure out what the problem is and fix it. In the mean time they should give you a loaner car to drive until yours is repaired. Let the dealer fix it this time!

Help with pat ceiling fabric?

I have a 96 pat and the interior fabric on the roof has been slowly peeling off for sometime now. How it started peeling off i dont know but it has spread to most of the roof. I have tried to use elmers spray adhesive to reglue it but it didnt work at all. Any suggestions of any products/processes can help me fix this?